Judy Malware on Play Store - 41 Apps Found Affected
There is a new threat in the
town. A new malware named "Judy" which infected between 8.5 millon to
36.5 million Android devices as a malicious app and between 4.5 million to 18.5
million Downloads seen on Google Play.
Accordingly to an security solutions firm Check Point, the malware - "Judy" - uses infected devices to generate large amount of fraudulent clicks on Advertisements while running the infected apps to generate revenues for the perpetrators(Virus makers) behind it.
This malware "Judy" is also known as Adware. The auto clicking adware found on 41 apps in Play Store which are developed by Korean Company named Kiniwini registered on Google play as ENISTUDIO Corp.
A report says that, Judy virus doesn't seem to steals any info from a user. Instead, It only seems to uses a phone to generate fake ad clicks which then make money for its creators.
Google Removed the malicious apps from the Play Store after getting notified by Check Point Security Firm about the threat.
Check Point last month
reported FalseGuide botnet malware which infected millions of Android devices
via Google Play, And which was hidden in over 40 guide apps for games in Google
Should you worry about Judy?
Although Google says that it regularly scans Play store for malicious apps and
threats, it is clear that in this case Google's Bouncer protection has failed.
This means you have to be very very careful about downloading apps.
Check Point says that it has reported that rogue apps, which had Judy code in
them, to Google and that those apps are now gone from Google Play store. But
you should still be careful about downloading unknown apps.
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